Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 & H2020 Projects


Participants : Umut Acar, Vitalii Aksenov, Arthur Charguéraud, Mike Rainey, Filip Sieczkowski.

The Deepsea project (2013–2018) is coordinated by Umut Acar and funded by FP7 as an ERC Starting Grant. Its objective is to develop abstractions, algorithms and languages for parallelism and dynamic parallelism, with applications to problems on large data sets.

ITEA3 Projects


Participants : Xavier Leroy, Luc Maranget.

ASSUME (2015–2018) is an ITEA3 project involving France, Germany, Netherlands, Turkey and Sweden. The French participants are coordinated by Jean Souyris (Airbus) and include Airbus, Kalray, Sagem, ENS Paris, and Inria Paris. The goal of the project is to investigate the usability of multicore and manycore processors for critical embedded systems. Our involvement in this project focuses on the formalisation and verification of memory models and of automatic code generators from reactive languages.